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Time: 5:00pm
Entry: $20 entry + purchase of two boosters

We are kicking off a new Heroclix League!

Here is the rundown of how the league will work:

Team Construction
Your league team will be 400 points. This team is will be made in the following manner:
– Bring 300 points worth of Clix from home. Your final team must use at least 100 points from these Clix,
– Purchase 2 boosters. The pieces from these boosters will be combined with your constructed Clix for a team totaling 400 points.

Play Format:
These matches will adhere to Golden Age play format, meaning that there is no limit placed on sets you can use to build your team.

League matches will happen every Monday at 5:00pm. The league will continue through the number of weeks necessary for every league member to have played each other at least once.

Once everyone has played each other at least once, the Top 4 teams will play in a special format Battle Royale match.

A special playing card mechanic will also be utilized that will allow for extra points at the end of the tournament.

There will be a grand prize for the winner of the league along with extra prizing throughout (details TBA)

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