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Two packs of Disney Lorcana cards. One from Ursula's Return and the other from Into the Inklands.

Time: 5:00pm – 8:00pm
Entry: Free (while supplies last)

About the Event:

This Valentine’s Week, take your special someone on a quest by enjoying a free game of Pack Rush, the newest format for playing Disney Lorcana TCG.

On Wednesday, February 12th  you and a guest are invited to stop by Fanfare and play a game of Pack Rush on us. Best of all? All the cards in the boosters are yours to keep when you are done! (Now that’s a new spin on a traditional Valentine’s Day card!)

Pack Rush is a great way to introduce a spouse, partner, family member, or friend to Disney Lorcana TCG.

Note: This offer is good while our Pack Rush supplies last.

Pack Rush Rules:

[You can download a pdf of the rules listed below here]

  1. Each player needs two unopened Disney Lorcana booster packs. (For this event, while supplies last, Fanfare will provide each player their booster packs free of charge)

  2. After receiving your boosters, you will enter the gaming area. Here determine the first player using any method that is convenient and comfortable for you. Examples include rolling dice, flipping a coin, taking turns naming Disney characters until someone can’t, etc…

  3.  Open your booster packs. It is best if you don’t look at the cards yet. That way the game can be a surprise for everyone.

  4. Set aside the marketing/puzzle cards. You will need them later.

  5. Shuffle all the cards from your two booster packs together, again taking care not to look at them. There are no ink restrictions in Pack Rush – you can play them all!

  6. Set your lore tracker to 0.

  7. Draw 5 cards for your starting hand. If you want to alter your hand, you can do that now.

  8. Remember the two marketing/puzzle cards you set aside back at step 4? Alakazam — they’re ink cards! Place them into your inkwell in the ready position. You start the game with 2 ink ready to go!

  9. Once these steps are completed, the game begins. From this point on, Pack Rush uses the normal Disney Lorcana rules with a couple of important exceptions:
  •  The first player to reach 15 lore or more wins the game.
  • If you need to draw and you’ve run out of cards in your deck, shuffle your discard and place it facedown as your new deck.
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