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Darth Vader leads a group of Storm Troopers, light saber in hand. He points to the upper right of the frame. Text reads Star Wars Unlimited.

Basic Mechanics Demo Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Competitive Play Demo: 5:30pm -8:00pm
Entry: Free (for both events)

Enter a galaxy of endless possibilities in Star Wars: Unlimited! In this fast-paced, easy-to-learn trading card game, players face off in exciting head-to-head battles full of iconic Star Wars characters.

Join us for this special learn-to-play event!

From 1:00pm – 2:30pm you are invited to join us for a demo where you will learn how to play the new Star Wars Unlimited Card Game!

Then, after the basic demo concludes,  at 2:30pm we will be hosting a demonstration  tournament with a 16 player, Swiss-Paired tournament.

Attendees will receive a free promo card for participating!


Seats for the demos are limited to 16 players at a time, will take 30 minutes, and will be first come, first served.

The tournament can seat 16 players and will also be first come, first served.

Registration will start at 3:45 pm for both events. Note: You do not need to attend the demo to play in the tournament. 

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