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5 Booster Packs of Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of Destruction fanned out in the background with a Silent Magician Girl promo card centered in the foreground.

April 20th: 10:00am – 8:00pm
April 21st: 12:00pm – 5:00pm
Entry: Purchase of at least 5 Legacy of Destruction packs 

Check out the latest Yu-Gi-Oh! set before its official release during this Premiere! Event.

Registration for this Premiere! requires the purchase of at least 5 packs of Legacy of Destruction. With that registration, you get an exclusive Field Center Card (while supplies last), plus an entry in a drawing where you have a chance to win prizes which include an ultra rare card, and a Phantom Nightmare Game Mat!

Participants can register once per day of the event and receive 1 prize drawing entry per registration. The drawing for the prizes will occur on Monday, April 22nd and winners will be contacted via phone.

Note: There are no official tournaments being held on these dates.

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